Luscious, envy-inducing hair stars at the root (see what we did there) with scalp care. Explore easy solutions to common issues and wrap it like Rapunzel.
Can you imagine how the lovely Rapunzel's they-lived-happily-ever-after story would have turned out if our heroine had hair thinning or hair loss? For anyone who's ever stared in horror at a hairbrush or drain featuring half of your scalp limply staring back, you know the feeling of helpless dread and the self-esteem hit accompanying hair loss.
Unlike many other treatments that rely on chemicals or invasive procedures, LED light therapy for hair loss offers a non-invasive, natural alternative that harnesses the power of light for extreme efficacy with zero side effects. It is used alone or as an addition to traditional therapies to stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth.
Why do we love serums in hair care, and what is the difference between a hair serum and a scalp serum? Can you use them interchangeably to complement your washing schedule and daily hair care routine? Can you combine them with new hair care technologies and devices for a boosted synergistic effect?
Doing yoga will reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce heart rate. However, there are some other benefits you would not expect, such as systemic health improvement, boosted immune function, chronic pain relief, and hair growth.
With the transition from the warm, sunny days of summer to the cooler climate of fall, it's essential to adjust our hair care routine accordingly because it is not only our wardrobe that needs a seasonal update. This adjustment is particularly important for low-porosity hair.
Would You Let Chat GPT Dress You for Work? A Weeklong Experiment
In our constant quest for simplifying decision-making processes and embracing innovation, here at MYSA, we stumbled upon an idea - letting Chat GPT, an AI-powered chatbot, decide our work outfits for a week, hopefully striking a balance between a relaxed and formal look.
In 2023, the beauty world experienced a shift towards embracing natural beauty and simplicity. Days of heavily contoured faces and dramatic makeup are gone. Instead, the trend is all about showing our unique features while keeping the appearance effortlessly charming.
In a world that often feels chaotic and fast-paced, looking put together can sometimes be the last thing on our minds. However, looking polished and elegant doesn't have to be reserved only for special occasions.
Ballet: from 15th century Italian court to 2023 street style inspiration
Ballet dancers and costumes have been synonymous with grace, elegance and style for centuries. Ballet was created in the Renaissance as a type of entertainment on the Italian court, and moved to the Parisian opera in the 17th century.
If you ever had a problem with weak nails that split, peel, crack, and break, you know how annoying and uncomfortable it can be and how good periods of healthy nails feel.
Looking for the Right Shampoo? Here's 9 Things to Know
Are you having trouble finding the right shampoo? Join the club! Even when you understand your hair type and the condition of your hair (such as dry ends, extra care needed after sun and the sea, etc.), finding the right solution can be a nightmare.
4 Hottest Makeup Trends This Summer and How to Achieve Them
As the summer sun beams down, it's time to up your makeup game with the hottest trends of the season. From timeless makeup classics to cutting-edge devices in skin prep, there's something for every makeup enthusiast to try.
Choosing a new hair color or changing an existing one is not an easy decision. There are many things that must be considered in order to pick the appropriate shade.
Are you tired of dealing with weak nails and never seem to catch a break? Don't worry, we're about to begin an amazing quest to find the key to stronger, healthier nails! Say goodbye to fragile tips and constant chipping and hello to your inner nail artist.
Achieving faster hair growth has been a desire of each and every one of us at least once in our lifetime. We've all had times when we wished we had long, flowing hair like the beautiful women in movies whose hair we've always adored.
Makeup is a great way to express yourself, have fun, and look fantastic. The nicest aspect is that there are no rules when it comes to makeup. When you have a brush in your hands, the world is your oyster as you drag the brush across your face and create a masterpiece. You experience incomparable fr
Do you recall the times you admired all the incredible makeup looks and wondered how they were achieved? Perhaps you thought they required expensive beauty procedures or hours of YouTube tutorials. Even after costly treatments and countless hours of practice, those foxy eyes continue to elude you.
On the quest of researching various trends, one caught our eye - Jello skin. Why we liked it is because the bouncy trend is all about how skin feels, not just how it looks. Jello skin and TikTok Trends coming from TikTok can be pretty exhausting. There is an entire list of things your skin should l
Snatched Skin: What It Is and How to Best Achieve It
Snatched skin is the new in. From wanting more toned and contoured cheekbones to wanting a brow lift, wanting a toned appearance has never been so popular. Celebrities, influencers, and our favorite TikTok stars are jumping into the trend.
TikTok Beauty Trends Worth Keeping in Your Routine
Educational bite-sized beauty bits have found their hub in the world of TikTok. From fashion finds to DIY projects - we can now find digestible content all over the platform.