1 min read

See the New 3D Ocean Farm That’ll Save the Sea

save the sea
By 2050, there will be no more fish in the sea. Here’s how you can stop that from happening. As tasty seafood gains popularity in the world, more and more fish are killed to appease our appetites. In theory, there’s nothing wrong with eating delicious sushi. But the current methods we use to catch our fish are harming the marine ecosystem past repair. The world’s fish population is rapidly declining due to human activity. 90% of large fish in the ocean have already been eliminated. If we keep fishing the way we are, scientists predict that our ocean will be devoid of fish by 2050. But GreenWave’s mission is to restore marine ecosystems by creating 3D ocean farms that provide habitats for thousands of fish, filter the water of deadly carbon and nitrogen, and grow tons of sustainable shellfish and sea plants. For the second year, FOREO has partnered with GreenWave for our Save the Sea campaign to help build these 3D ocean farms. Check out the infographic below to discover the threats facing marine life, how ocean farms solve those challenges, and what you can do to help. Farming the Sea: why eating kelp is good for you and good for the environment from Patrick Mustain on Vimeo.  
Do your part and shop smart. Learn more about how you can support our Save the Sea charity initiative.

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