1 min read
Firefighters, Police, and Saving Lives is For Men. Tell That to Maria Beaslly

The 2023 theme for International Women’s Day is DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality - fits like a tailored suit on FOREO, as FOREO is committed to leading the way in cutting-edge advances and invites everyone to join and raise a toast honoring female excellence!
At FOREO, we're dedicated to making the impossible possible. And that’s why we believe all things will be acknowledged, although it wasn’t necessarily the case in the past. Even though female innovators have recently been getting more recognition - in FOREO, we know that since forever, women have been great inventors in science and technology! And that’s why today we will not be talking about FOREO making your skin look healthy and beautiful, but rather celebrating the infinite power of women innovators who are holding the key for unlocking a brighter present.
Women have been unsung inventors forever, and that’s why seemingly women just entered the innovation chat. That’s untrue because, looking back in history, the list of women innovators that greatly impacted our lives is long.
Women do it all!
Firefighters, police, and saving lives are for men. Tell that to Maria Beasley. Maria taught us all a lesson - don't let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do! A woman who switched from dress-making to inventing created an invention that changed our lives forever. Beasley invented the revolutionary fire-proof life raft that was not only compatible and reliable but also saved over 700 lives in 1912 when the Titanic sank in the North Atlantic Ocean. We could go on forever about groundbreaking inventions done by women. For instance, bullet-proof fiber by Stephanie Kwolek, computer algorithm by Ada Lovelace, and Wifi by Hedy Lamarr. Aside from things like bras, Barbie dolls, and birth control pills, women also showed their lighter side – it was women that created something else we all enjoy… beer! We're raising a glass to these innovative ladies around town. There’s been a long way from when women doubted themselves to nowadays when women know who they are, and what they can do. But still, every now and then, someone experiences challenges. Hence FOREO wants to remind everyone that women do it all, and modern lifestyles wouldn't be what they are today without women’s contributions throughout history.
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