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International Model & Instagram Famous Max Emerson: Favorite places to travel

Instafamous Max Emerson's exclusive interview about his favorite places to travel.
[video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5e1_5xPKEY]
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Video Transcript
Kristen Van Nest: You travel a lot for modeling, what is your favorite place you've been?
Max Emerson: It's a top five, I've got a favorite place for every thing. The most beautiful place is Australia - the natural stuff, like the beaches.
Kristen: Terrifyingly large animals.
Max: Yeah, if you're not in danger for your life, you're not really having a good time. The most fun I've ever had is in Shanghai. I was there for a summer and that was absolutely nuts. Me and Asia is a dangerous combination. I love New York, I love having a relationship with that place, I've got a place in Williamsburg. I'm from Miami, nothing's going to beat Florida ever. Our ritual every Christmas is to go surfing.
Kristen: That's not bad. Not bad at all.
Max: There's a whole list of places. My favorite city is Tokyo because it's just one giant circus. What about you?
Kristen: For me, I'd say beach-wise San Sebastián in Spain. City-wise, New York, because there are so many places to shop and there's so many crazy people that are always entertaining.
Max: And you're butted up against them in the subway car.
Kristen: The craziest thing happens and noone pays attention because it's completely normal.
Max: Which is nice. Because I'm always in my underpants in public on Instagram and it's nice not to have everyone about that. As long as your crew for productions is under five people you can totally get away with everything.
Kristen: For New Yorker's, it's more frustrating getting around tourists than dealing with the crazy person who is doing something insane on the street.
Max: That's true.
Kristen: Tourists are so annoying, but someone could be doing some weird dance.
Max: Someone's painting the wall with feces and they're like, "Only in New York!" or they have to walk through tourists in Soho and yell madly.
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