3 min read
How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

1. Start taking vitamin C now
It’s common to pop an Emergen-C tablet into your water and guzzle that fizzy drink as soon as you feel the ominous I’m-coming-down-with-a-cold sneeze coming on. However, research shows that to get the benefits of vitamin C you must begin taking this health supplement before you catch a cold. Taking 200 milligrams or more of vitamin C daily has been proven to reduce the length of a cold by 8 percent. So start taking vitamin C to strengthen your immune system now.2. Wash your hands correctly
The average human only washes their hands for a measly 5 to 7 seconds, which leaves behind a ton of cold-causing germs. Gross! Washing your hands properly can help you avoid 2 whole colds per year! So it’s worth the extra few seconds at the sink.How to properly clean your hands:
- Wash for at least 20 to 30 seconds. Sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in your head twice so you know when you’re done.
- Don’t forget to wash in between your fingers, on your thumbs, and on the back of your hands.
- Avoid touching handles, use a clean paper towel to turn off the water and open the door, and throw the paper towel away as you exit.
3. Wipe down your surfaces
The good news: Airplanes now clean the cabin air every 20 minutes, circulating the air from the top of the cabin to the bottom to localize germs and keep them from spreading around. This means you don’t have to wear those crazy-looking surgical masks. The bad news: Your tray tables, arm rests, and inflight magazines are fomites, aka objects that have a high probability of carrying and spreading germs. Bring a pack of cleaning wipes to disinfect your tray and other surfaces as soon as you find your seat. Invest in a pack of Clorox wipes and you might save yourself from a trip to the doctor!4. Use melatonin to beat jet lag
Sleep deprivation can suppress your immune system, which is the last thing you want when it’s sniffle season. If you’re traveling to a different time zone, take a melatonin, a natural sleep aid, to fall into dreamland. We love chocolate-covered melatonin that taste delicious and can help you get some beauty sleep.5. Commit to one healthy meal per day
It often seems like there’s a decadent dessert everywhere you turn during the holidays. But if you suddenly stop eating healthy and start consuming junk, your immune system will miss its regular nutritional diet and might not be strong enough to prevent colds. An easy fix? Commit to eating at least one healthy meal a day. This way you can treat yourself to a few holiday favorites, while taking in much needed vitamins on the side.
(Image source: forloveandlemons.com)
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