4 min read
How Freddie Mercury unknowingly kicked off the beauty-tech revolution

The vision behind a ‘heaven for everyone’
Almost a decade ago, the visionary behind FOREO’s innovative technology and groundbreaking products, founder Filip Sedic, was inspired by one man’s bravery, boldness and authenticity and - one Queen song later, FOREO was born. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI8lrvKLzg0[/embed]The name FOREO actually comes from ‘FOR EveryOne’. Our founder was inspired by lyrics in the Queen’s legendary song: ‘This world could be fed, This world could be fun, This could be heaven for everyone, This world could be free, This world could be one.*’ He was also inspired by Freddie Mercury’s energy, genius and incredible, captivating persona. The lyrics of the Queen’s masterpiece soon became our mission as FOREO set out to tear down the labels and inspire people to fearlessly be themselves and be aware of their unique imprint on our beautiful world. explains Boris Trupcevic, FOREO CEO.He continues:
With the beat of the first T-sonic pulsation inside our trademark LUNA, Filip knew he had something big that would change the face of beauty forever. LUNA was more than just a device, it was our very own Bohemian Rhapsody - no one could imagine the silicone facial brush & massager would conquer the beauty world, and soon after we had 20 million people clapping to its tune. LUNA is a monument of non-binary beauty, beauty that celebrates differences and unites people through something everyone can identify with.
FOREO, the rockstar, creator of its own niche
FOREO is a rebel with an electric heart dancing to its own rhyme and pioneering the new age of beauty. Although the origins of the beauty-tech category go all the way back in 1998 and “virtual makeover software”, it was the innovation-driven, independent challengers such as FOREO that actually kicked off the rapid rise of beauty-tech, a category that was up until that point pretty stale and static. With the world still pulsating from the waves LUNA 3 made all over the globe, the UFO 2, a game-changing device brought future to the beauty industry. The full spectrum of expensive spa treatments available only at salons and clinics were now packed in a cute but powerful puck giving you a supercharged facial in only 2 minutes, thus saving you time and money. The future is now and FOREO is spearheading the development of new technologies as the brand just recently launched a microcurrent toning device BEAR and announced their scientific team at the FOREO Institute is already working on the next big thing, making sure “the thing” is again very unique in its functionality, great quality, durability and benefits it provides.Every Queen’s fan knows there were two sides to Freddie, the extravagant showman vs. the shy and private individual. There’s two sides to FOREO as well - when it comes to technology, quality and innovation, we let our products speak for themselves, however, when it comes to diversity and inclusivity, which are both big drivers for our brand, we feel the need to shout from the rooftops - Be YOUnique and let your inner rockstar shine! We at FOREO are proud of our global family, and our differences that make us stand out and we want to inspire individuals to never shrink themselves to fit places they’ve outgrown as this world could truly be heaven for everyone, says Trupcevic.
Beautiful humans of FOREO
Research suggests that 71% of women are calling for the media to do a better job portraying women of diverse physical appearance, age, race, shape and size, while 41% of US men feel a lot of pressure to be emotionally strong. On top of that, sexuality as well is no longer a private matter and with the global closet bigger than ever it’s obvious the change towards love and acceptance is long overdue. As an answer to these alarming numbers, FOREO is launching a long term platform to celebrate differences and YOUniqueness of any kind, giving people around the world a voice to call out our everyday heroes, doers and shakers, gamechangers and challengers playing the lead role in their own movie. The goal is to show the world all faces of beauty, refusing to be defined by anyone and taking diversity, inclusivity and individuality in the beauty industry to another level. Encouraging is the fact that there’s a lot of hope towards a heaven for everyone, as the data also shows majority of women, 83% to be exact, want to look their personal best rather than follow someone else's definition of 'beautiful', and additionally 83% of all women believe every woman has something about them that is beautiful. We agree, all humans are beautiful in the essence of being their authentic selves, and with the Pride month also ahead of us, FOREO wants to create a long term platform to celebrate not only the members of the proud community, but all the brave, different and fearless individuals out there taking a stand for what they believe in and being beautiful humans of FOREO, no colour, age or gender and certainly no limits.Humanity is inclusivity, it represents our differences while celebrating our culture and identity. Freddie Mercury captivated the hearts of humanity with his unique expression, honesty and non-conformist lifestyle. Way ahead of his time, but recognized and loved by everyone, icon of style united people all over the world ranging from pop enthusiasts and hard rockers to LGBTQ+ community and artists of all sorts. Freddie truly was a legend and FOREO will continue to honor him on our mission to spread love and acceptance through YOUniqueness because ‘The show must go on’!, says Trupcevic.
*The quoted lyrics to the composition Heaven for everyone are the property of Taylor Roger Meddows and EMI VIRGIN SONGS, FOREO does not claim to own it or any of its parts.
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