5 min read

International Women’s Day Reminder Not to Settle

A young woman doing skincare in front of pink machines in a laundromat, with under eye patches and curlers in her hair

Sometimes, we get stuck in a rut, doing our thing (and everybody else's), juggling armfuls of plates of kids, family, work, education, friends, chores, plans, bills, self-improvement, and dreams that by the time we’re finally done for the day and a little bit of me time rolls around, we skimp out on self-care and settle with anything slightly better than the pedal to the metal.


This International Women’s Day, FOREO’s High Standards Club reminds women all over the world to stop cutting corners on themselves, to fill up that drained cup they keep trying to get the last drop from, and to ask for more out of life, love, career, and skincare. Please - in the name of all that is good, wholesome, peaceful, healthy, and beautiful - forget the grind culture. Things that get ground up can never be whole again as they have been crushed. Work hard and rest when you need to, be kind to yourself and others, set boundaries for those who are not kind back, and aim for balance rather than impossible balancing acts.


Why high self-care standards?

High self-care standards don’t mean you’re rude to others or that you’re a spoiled, extra little princess who wants something for nothing. It means you know the value of your work, money, time, and mental health. This is why you don't want to waste any of your time on what no longer serves you or purchasing trinkets (money is time out of your life you’ve traded and won’t get back). Still, we all like a treat and should enjoy it occasionally. Choose to invest in products that offer utility, quality, and durability. This is a win on every single count: you’ll get a quality product that can be used for a very long time without losing functionality, you won’t have to deal with fixes or re-buys, you’ll create less waste on the planet, you’ll be sure that it does what it says. Plus, a few useful and versatile essentials declutter your life and mental space and allow you to have the freedom just to be and exist.


There is this pressure of chasing the "having-it-all" narrative we’ve bought into and now treat as a fact without even asking if we even want all of “IT.” Maybe you don’t want a corporate job and would rather raise goats or bake sourdough bread, maybe books are more important than a gym-shaped body, or you’ve always been more of a vagabond and a renter than a white-picket-fence-owner. We don’t know, and we believe you should do you.


This is why FOREO has worked tirelessly to offer intelligent and radically adaptable skincare solutions for the past 12 years. Once just an extra item on our daily to-do list, the brand transformed self-care routines into relaxing rituals you’ll look forward to at the end of the day. As a community united under the goal of chasing the finer things in life - in design, beauty, technology, well-being, and quality of living - the ladies of FOREO take the lead, outnumbering their male colleagues 2:1. Maybe this is why 30+ millions of women worldwide trust our devices and skincare daily and why we keep meeting their high standards. We don't need to settle for anything, at least not for any extended period of time or forever. Not settling for less nor agreeing to subpar solutions (in life and skincare) is an extension of self-worth.


Compromises are not necessarily bad and are sometimes required, but not when it is possible to get precisely what you want (without doing any collateral harm). FOREO's award-winning designs and clinically proven adaptable technologies are here for those who don't believe in compromises when it comes to skincare and want professional and visible results - at home, in their own sweet time, and with no nonsense.


So, in honor of this International Women’s Day, High Standards Club is a manifestation of this collective striving for better that recognizes all of you who are tired of accepting crumbs and having to pretend to be OK with it, all who've been through enough to know their own worth, and those who are making their dream life a reality one decision at a time. Explore The High Standards Club's discounted offer on a Swedish Beauty Routine and the extended beauty offer for targeted treatments like hair removal, hair loss, cellulite, and oral care. Go get what you want with an extra 30% off with the code MYSAHIGH30.

A well-kept young woman with pearls and a ponytail, hands extending towards her offering her FOREO skincare

Some offer highlights include

Swedish Beauty Routine as easy as 1,2,3


STEP 1 - LUNA ™ 4 

Enjoy a 1-minute cleanse with LUNA ™ 4 facial cleansing brush that fuses patented T-Sonic™ pulsations and velvety-soft silicone touchpoints to remove impurities trapped deep within pores. Clinically proven to remove 99% of dirt, oil, and makeup residue, LUNA™ 4 is also 35x more hygienic than brushes with nylon bristles.


STEP 2 - BEAR™ 2

A 2-minute complete facelift with BEAR™ 2, the most potent at-home microcurrent device and the only one featuring four innovative types of microcurrent for various anti-aging purposes. It also provides T-Sonic™ massage to increase circulation and deliver fresh nutrients and oxygen-rich blood to skin cells.

A woman doing a pleasant, anti-aging microcurrent facial at home


STEP 3 - UFO™ 3

UFO™ 3 is a 3-minute deep facial hydration device for immediate and long-lasting results. Clinically proven to increase skin moisture levels by 126% in just 2 mins, it features a combination of Thermo-therapy, Cryo-therapy, LED light therapy with eight wavelengths (colors), and T-Sonic™ massage.


Extended beauty pack

LUNA™ 4 Hair

LUNA™ 4 Hair is the 2-in-1 combination of red LED light for hair loss and T-Sonic™ massage to repair and strengthen the scalp. In addition to a circulation-boosting massage, it is also excellent for distributing hair products and evenly coating the entire strand, even while you’re enjoying a hot shower.

LUNA 4 hair and LUNA scalp serum


BEAR™ 2 body

BEAR™ 2 body is ideal for those battling stubborn cellulite who want a firm and sculpted body. Clinically proven to improve skin firmness and elasticity in just 1 week, the device can easily smooth away the look of dimples on the thighs, buttocks, arms, and abs by combining microcurrent therapy and T-Sonic™ massage.



FOREO's Advanced IPL Hair Removal Device, PEACH™ 2,  delivers up to 120 flashes per minute as T-Sonic™ massage dilates pores, allowing light pulses to penetrate hair follicles better. With 2x power (120 flashes per minute) and over 3x larger skin area coverage, you only need 10 minutes for a full body treatment.


For those serious about anti-aging and not in the mood for semi-solutions, FAQ™ 202 Anti-Aging Silicone LED Mask is the ultimate luxury for a rejuvenating skincare routine. The High Standards Club offers the deal of the season - a never-before-seen, limited-time discount of 30% on FAQ™ 202 with code WOMENSDAY30. The device features eight wavelengths of LED light, including the rejuvenating NIR (near-infrared), which helps stimulate collagen production and reduce wrinkles and sun spots, as the ultra-lightweight, wireless, flexi-fit silicone body molds to your face like a transparent second skin.

Three cool women dressed in black wearing FAQ 202, FAQ 211, FAQ 221 LED skincare wearables



You can also apply the MYSAHIGH30 code to some other timeless classics like the rejuvenating eye massager IRIS™ 2, the 4-in-1 oral care revolution ISSA™ 3, microdermabrasion and pore vacuum device KIWI™ derma and FAQ™ high-frequency and red light face wand, FAQ™ 102, and cosmetics.


The High Standards Club has its doors open from February 21st till March 9th on foreo.com. Come in, feel at home, enjoy living in your skin, and don't settle for less.



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refusing.mediocrity 22/02/2025

Finally someone saying it's okay to want better! Love that whole 'having it all' myth takedown. Already eyeing that Swedish Beauty Routine because if we're not settling might as well go all in.


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