2 min read
8 Reasons to Love Yourself Even Harder Today

It’s time to take proper care of yourself, one self-loving step at a time. This Valentine's Day learn how to.... LOVE YOURSELF! Think about oxygen masks on airplanes. Every in-flight video warns you to put your own mask first before helping others. It’s a very logical thing to do — if you don’t put your own mask first, you’ll become oxygen-deprived and won’t be of any help to anyone. Think of this as FOREO’s in-flight video - the one where we remind you to put yourself first and everything else second. Because if you don’t take good care of yourself, how can you help anyone else? Come and take a ride on the self-care train and see why all of us should start loving ourselves a little harder every day! Welcome aboard!
You’ll be happier
Feeling down? Do something nice just for you. Eat a fancy chocolate bar. Have a spa day at home. Take a well-deserved nap. Watch your favorite movie one more time. You get the picture. Spoil yourself a little bit every day and send the bad vibes away.
You’ll be healthier
Think about all those times when you were sleep-deprived, stressed, or tired. How many times did you end up ignoring your own needs and putting others first? Being selfless can be a beautiful thing. But it can also exhaust you completely. That’s why you have to be selfish at times. Putting your own needs first can be extremely beneficial for your emotional and physical well-being.
Your confidence will flourish
Once you start giving yourself the attention and the support you deserve, you’ll notice lots of positive changes. One of the first ones will be a serious confidence boost! Become your own cheerleader and you’ll learn that the most important person you needed in your corner was you all along.
Your relationships will improve
In order to build healthy relationships, you have to start with the most important one — your relationship with yourself. Take good care of it and you’ll be happier and healthier. And the happier and healthier you are, the more you’ll be able to help others when they need you.
You’ll be more efficient with your time
When you start loving yourself more, you start valuing yourself and your time more. And you start prioritizing things differently. It won’t take too long to realize that those few extra minutes to yourself make all the difference in the world. Once you realize you can accomplish so much in such a short amount of time, nothing will be able to stop you.
You’ll develop a healthy relationship with yourself
There is one thing that’s always worth investing your time and energy in — you. It pays off tremendously. Focus on you and the fruits of your labor will be self-love and self-respect. And remember, the best thing you can do for yourself is to love yourself more!
You’ll glow from within
All this newfound self-love, self-respect, and confidence can lead to irresistible consequences. When you change the way you look at and take care of yourself, that changes the way you interact with everyone else. And trust us, no one will be able to resist your new glow or dim your light — because the new you won’t let them!
You’ll get better at taking care of yourself
Once you start developing healthy self-care habits, your world will turn around. And you’ll never want to go back. Thankfully, nowadays spa-level pampering can show up at your doorstep with a click of a button. And our professional-level beauty tech has you covered. Extraordinary skincare, unprecedented oral care, illuminating massages, sculpting microcurrent, and superb cleansing all come with mind-blowing results. Do you have a hard time focusing on yourself? What are some of the things you do to boost your confidence? What’s your favorite me-time activity? Share your experiences in the comments and let’s help each other love ourselves a bit more today!
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